In cases where someone lacks mental capacity to bring a claim themselves.
Cases involving children until they turn 18 and then they will have 3 years to bring their claim up until they turn 21.
RTAs abroad – time limits in countries other than the UK may differ and may in fact be shorter than the UK’s 3-year period.
If the injured person dies before the expiration of the limitation period, then their estate may proceed with the claim on their behalf but this must be either within three years from the date of the injured person’s death or three years from the date of the personal representative’s knowledge.
If injuries are caused by a deliberate (Criminal) act then a claim may be made under the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority and these types of claim only have a 2 year time limit.
Accidents involving children
Accidents that occur on roundabouts at traffic lights, junctions or motorways
Road traffic accidents that involve pedestrians
Road traffic accidents that involve motorcyclists/cyclists
Deaths arising from road traffic accidents, including representation at Inquests
If you have been involved in an accident abroad whilst on holiday and it was caused by someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to claim compensation in the same way that you can in the UK.
Brain or head injury cases are, by their very nature, complex and often take many years to conclude.
When a loved-ones dies unexpectedly, it can be extremely difficult for families to cope with the legal procedures and court hearings that follow.